Learn to Skate
• 25 Minute evaluation session
• 5 classes
› classes are 25 minutes
› classes are sized based on level being taught
• make up class option for missed class
• Rental Skates
• Admission to Public Session immediately after lesson
• Learn to Skate USA registration (Sold separately during check out)


Learn to skate classes are held on the dates and times listed below. Please double check the session you sign up for before registering. Listed below are the times and date of the two sessions being held at Gumbert park arena this season.
Pre-Registration is required.
November - December Classes
Registration Starts
Oct 31st thru Dec 22nd
Thursdays at 4:40pm
Saturdays at 1:45pm & 7:00pm
Sundays at 2pm
January - February Classes
Registration Starts
Jan 2nd thru Mar 2nd
Thursdays at 4:40pm
Saturdays at 1:45pm & 7:00pm
Sundays at 2pm

*SS = Snowplow Sam
The Snowplow Sam levels are introductory classes divided into four progressive levels allowing children with no prior skating experience to build confidence while learning the basic skills of skating.
*HS = Hockey Skating
The Hockey curriculum is designed to teach the fundamentals of hockey skating. Skaters will learn how to be more proficient and agile on the ice. Proper skating techniques for the game of hockey are the primary focus of the levels.
*BSS = Basic Skills Skating
Basic Skills teaches the fundamentals of skating and provides the best foundation for figure skating. Upon completion of the Basic Skills, skaters will be able to confidently advance to more specialized areas of skating.
What you should wear to a ‘Learn to Skate’ Class?
Bike or Hockey Helmet: Bike helmets should cover the back of the head and should sit two fingers above the skater’s eyebrows. Hockey helmets offer excellent protection. Make sure your name is on the helmet. Children ages 7 and below are required to wear a helmet. Above age 7 helmets are strongly recommended, but are up to a parent’s discretion.
Skates: Either Hockey or Figure. Skate rentals are included lesson package and are on a first come basis.
Dress War: Remember this is an ice rink and it is always cold. Skaters should dress warmly and be able to comfortably move around.
Gloves: Gloves both keep your hands warm and protect your hands from ice burns when you fall.
No parents or guardians are allowed on the ice wearing shoes at any time.